Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Anothers view of Linux foundation

I was happy to read the news about the union of Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) and the Free Standards Group (FSG).
Then I put it in the back of my mind thinking now that Linux and the Open standards are safe. After reading Niel McAllister's article about the union. The article made me think, at first, is he a M$ mole. But a little research showed it not to be so. Then I read the whole article and now I view the Union in a different light!

I can't be a member, because according to Niel, "According to the Foundation, the easiest way to get a seat on the board is to become a platinum member, which entails paying to the tune of half a million dollars."
I think it is a good read. Follow the link to read the complete article.

"What do you get if you cross an open source development consortium with an organisation that promotes free standards? Answer: You get a Linux advocacy group. Or so it seems.

On the surface, the union of Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) and the Free Standards Group (FSG) seems like a natural fit. Open standards and open source software are two great ideas that go well together."

Neil McAllister, Questioning the Linux Foundation’s credentials

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