Wednesday, November 07, 2007

RadioHead Might Find That Pot of Gold "In Rainbows"

I have followed RadioHead's album release and basically happy about what they did. Today I read many news outlets talking about what is the amount of money that came to Radiohead.
The site seem to have got something like 1.2 Million and people who downloaded music on average paid $6 for the album.
My simple question is if RadioHead went with it's record producers or publishars, how much royaltes would they have received per album? my wild guess is that $2-$3. So RadioHead is making twice the amount that it is used to make!
When they release the 40 pound ($80) disk set that includes two CDs and 2 twelve inch vinyls, they will sell at least some more as not every RadioHead fan is "On the Net" and there are reasons for having a CD or record. So if they sell 100000 albums, they will make $8 Million (minus cost).
So Music Creators, you do not need RIAA controlled music Studios. Yes to start off, do not sign 20 year contracts!
Congrats RadioHead

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